Sunday, January 31, 2010

tips to be shared:)

hehe..entry ckp tips to be shared..tapi tiba2 kuar pic lain are after this..pic atas ni selingan aje..btw,those pics were taken on 30th jan bersempena dgn Malaysian Night anjuran UCD(University College Dublin).It is an annual event plus a farewell event for malaysian twinning student. Baju yg BK pki tu BK nk tribute utk best friend BK. She bought the kain saree in India when she was studying there. Thanks Zahidah. I love it:)

Ok..straight to the point bout the tips. Actually BK ni x reti nk make up..but still learning..haha..umur I dh 23thun ok..adusss..rasa tua sgt ni..terus terang BK nk bgtau BK ni simple je.tak reti make up,tp nk kata natural beauty tu takde la plak kan.. BK slalu tgk housemate BK ni pndi je make up tp BK nk blaja yg natural make up n x nk tebal2 mcm opera cina tu..hehe..So BK byk belajar tutorial from youtube je..this Malaysian Night is an experiment for BK dlm pembelajaran ini..hahaha..BK akan letak pic ala2 advertisement kt tv tu..BEFORE n AFTER..:P

haa..nmpk tak bezanye di situ..beza sgt kan..yg tdung dark brown tu before make up..yg o pic tudung putih tu pic yg BK slalu kuar tampal2 compact powder je..and yg with tudng hitam n selendang cream tu BK try experiment makeup tutorial yg BK tgk kt youtube beserta make up stuff yg BK ada..
klu tgk btul2 muka BK yg without make up..korang akn nmpk dark circle bawah mata BK..itu tak dpt nk wat apa2 sbb runs in the blood..BK ikut mama BK mmg mata cmtu..
korang mungkin dpt beza dgn pic2 yg BK letak kat atas byk2 tu..BK nk nmpk natural tp outstanding la jugak during the Malaysian night..walaupun org x nmpk but it for my self satisfaction:)

tip-tip yg BK gunakan:
1)foundation or base:itu sgt penting sbb klu foundation tu x blend well dgn skin tone kita nnt dia nmpk fake sgt la makeup. Maksud blend well tu is the colour if the foundation tu kena la dekat2 dgn warna kulit kita n jgn terlalu cerah or gelap. Plus, foundation can increase the longevity of your makeup.

2)Concealer:tak sume org perlu pki concealer..dh namanye pun concealer of course la dia utk conceal kecacatan muka kita. Concealer shouldnt be applied to all area of our face. Just letak kat tmpt yg perlu contohnye acne scar ke..Tp utk BK concealer ni BK letak bwh mata BK utk tutup dark circle BK.huhu

3)Compact powder:sama je..just apply powder on your face

4)Eyeliner: ni utk simple daily makeup utk bg prominent sikit mata kita ni..utk org yg asian eye mcm BK ni agak susah sbb kita kena ada cara yg sesuai to make our eyes bigger.

5)eyeshadow+mascara: earth color is suitable for daily makeup..BK lg suke brown color even kdg2 tak nmpk sgt sbb kulit BK ni dh brown jugak..hehe..Tp klu utk dinner tu bleh n sesuai utk letak eyeshadow yg more bright n even match with our suit.Mcm BK pki bju hijau so Bk letak skit je eyeshadow hijau to make it more obvious:)
Mascara ni sesuai utk org yg bulu matanye jatuh ke bwh mcm BK..wawa..sedey..

6)blusher or bronze: Pink blusher is good enough n bronze helps to make our face looks more natural after applying all those foundation n powder. Blusher n bronze pun bleh bg kita nmpk kurang chubby especially when we apply it on cheek bone n a bit slanting.

7)lipbalm+lipstick+lipgloss: slalunye BK letak je lipbalm plus klu nk bg tahan lama..apply lipbalm first pastu letak lip stick kegemaran tak kisah la warna apa asalkn bersesuaian..then apply lip gloss utk kasik nmpk glitter, wet n shine

BK harap dpt bantu dgn share apa yg BK blaja. Daily makeup BK just pki powder+eyeliner+lipgloss..klu event penting je full:)

foundation studio fix liquid NC40 from MAC

concealer(Maybelline mousse tone natural) specifically for anti dark circle

studio fix powder NC35 from MAC

eyeliner from body shop(brown color). BK suke sgt sbb senang nk pki even dia liquid

mascara Maybelline pro curl n volume..BK bru je beli tp xtau la berkesan sgt ke tak dgn bulu mata BK yg degil asyik jatuh bawah je ni..

lipbalm BK guna nivea repair n smooth warna hijau tu je..sgt berkesan n really love it..pastu lipgloss revlon je..sgt glossy..

btw, blusher n bronze yg BK pki utk Malaysian night tu BK pinjam dr kwn BK..cantik sgt warna dia from estee lauder:)

P/S:BK tak penah lg wat entri macam ni..ini adalah cubaan pertama..kan prinsip BK sharing is loving.So why not BK wat style mcm ni..apa2 yg BK nk share BK akn post..

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