Kelas abis kul 6..lapar giler. Nasik belum lagi dimasak..wedges je la jadi dinner.
Lps solat terus bumm..kul 7 dah tdo..aihh..terjaga tgk jam igt kul 5 pagi..rupenye 2pagi.
Susahnye nak tdo balik. Call mr f dia sruh study..sejuk ni malas la..then dia marah sruh study and ckp dia teman study smbil bukak skype..emmm..terpaksa la..pastu dia yg ttdo..hehhee..
Apa lagih...godek2 internet terjumpa apps utk Android. MOcall. Sememangnye murah utk sms international rate..Yahhhhoooooo!!!
I found a solution..saje test antar..sampai..hoyeaa..siap dia creditkan 50sen.ok la tu.sbb satu msg 8 sen..compared to sblum ni 25sen..
ok mau pegi trun basuh baju...daaa~~
why do not use blackberry? tak minat ke?
this is a bill pay desire give me a very cheap deal..i would rather choose iphone than blackberry:)
why?mcm anti-blackberry je ni?hehehe
agak la..hahah..xde la lg suke iphone kot..blackberry rmi org msia guna kan...
btw,who is carnation..cant get your profile
hehe..mmg la x dapat tgk profile i..i bkn nye ade blog..i random baca blog org..baca pengalaman, what people think, what people feel..tak salah kan i baca blog u..pernah gak rasa mau berblog tp i really don't know how to express my feeling using words.hehe.
oh mmg x salah baca blog sy sbb sy wat public kan..i thought you're one of friend of mine.hehe.
sy pun x reti guna ayat.just because i love tell stories.itu yg wat tu..hehe
hehe..everyone has their own way to express themselves. i lagi suka cerita depan2. mungkin itu lebih menarik. btw, tak sabar nk baca ur new entry. i like ur blog very much. nampak ada kejujuran. hehehe.good job!
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