Friday, November 11, 2011

ddukbokki recipe = korean spicy rice cake

kalau tengok citer korea..especially reality show..mesti korang tau ddukbokki a.k.a spicy rice cake. Sebab tak mampu pegi korea..meh kita buat sendiri.

1. rice cake
2. red pepper paste (gochujang)
3. 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
4. 1 tablespoon of sesame oil
5. 1 tablespoon of sugar
6. 2 cloves garlic, crushed
7. 12 anchovies
8. 1 and a half mug of water

first of all..pour the water into the pan together with anchovies, boil them to get the flavour for the broth

Meanwhile, prepare for the paste. The paste is a mixture of the 2 tablespoon of red pepper paste, soy sauce, sesame oil, and garlic.

picture above is the red pepper paste, rice cake and sliced chicken breast.

Then, separate the rice cake. Beware, the rice cake is damn rockie hard!!! U can throw on thief 's head.

Next, take out all the anchovies....Then pour everything. yes everything into the pan. The paste, the rice cake, chicken or even veges if u want to. Cut the rice cakes in the middle of cooking when they become soften.

Cook until the sauce become sticky.

Lastly...enjoy your meal!

honestly, i like the taste of but..the rice cake sangat2 time can improvise lagi. sambil tengok citer korea dan makan ddukbokki..terasa seperti di korea..(over la ...haha) SELAMAT MENCUBA!


wachak said...

assalam DK

belum pernah cuba lagi masakkan korea ni.mcam sedap jer. mula2 ingat yong tau fu tadi ... he33

budak _kecik said...

sbb rice cake dia besar..nmpk mcm yong tau fu dah..kalau rajin potong la kecik2

Unknown said...

kt mne le bli rice cake kt malysia nih? nk try msakla

budak _kecik said...

kat msia i'm not buat i kat dublin beli kat oriental shop

atieyariesa said...

salam..awak2..gochujang tu halal x? coz dari yang saya beli ni ada tulis distilled alchohol(derived from agricultural) *bila ditranslayedkn*...agak2 halal ke? macam x confident lak..bila dah beli semua barang2..tapi xsure plak..hhahah


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