emm..Bk terasa plak..masa dekat Malaysia..BK akan tau bila Maulidur Rasul sbb akan dapat cuti..tapi bila BK kat sini nun jauh dari Malaysia tanah airku(sangat merindui makanan2 di situ..sempat lagi berangan) BK tak ingat pun..BK tau sebab tengok status di facebook...rasa kerdil sangat diri ini..banyak lagi yang perlu dibaiki..
BK harap BK dan kawan-kawan antara umat terpilih..
selawat ke atas Nabi Muhammad SAW:)
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
kalau main facebook...main farmville..goyang kaki..x dapat apa sgt rugi kan?
tapi kalau main facebook and dapat duit masyuk jugak!!
kalau kawan-kawan berminat..PM me at facebook or ym at zinnia210@yahoo.com
tapi kalau main facebook and dapat duit masyuk jugak!!
kalau kawan-kawan berminat..PM me at facebook or ym at zinnia210@yahoo.com
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
HUJAN + SEARCH di DUBLIN...you rawks!!!
Semalam tanggal 16 februari(uishhh ayat tanggal ni lama dah tak guna..macam tulis karangan kat sekolah dulu-dulu..hehe)
Search n Hujan datang Dublin..kalau nak cakap BK ni layan rock kapak..2 lagu Search je kot tau..yang len men hentam je la..BK beli sebab Hujan je..hehe..
eventhough tau Hujan tu just a guest..sah-sah la diorang perform sikit je lagu dari Search kan..tapi apa pun kitorang happy bangat!!!

Abg Melodi..dapat interview siap..haha

yea!! BK dapat sainnn...haha...semangat je..to Aimi from Noh yang hensem..sounds poyo jugak..tapi layan..ada ke mula-mula Noh nak sain atas dahi..suke ati dia je..hahaha

usha-usha pic ni..dah macam member dah Noh ni...selamber siot dia..tak rasa macam artis pun..suke ati dia je..yang time duduk tu siap dia nak buka citer..tapi malangnye dia nak kena pulang dah..memang best la Noh.sempoi!
Search n Hujan datang Dublin..kalau nak cakap BK ni layan rock kapak..2 lagu Search je kot tau..yang len men hentam je la..BK beli sebab Hujan je..hehe..
eventhough tau Hujan tu just a guest..sah-sah la diorang perform sikit je lagu dari Search kan..tapi apa pun kitorang happy bangat!!!

Abg Melodi..dapat interview siap..haha

yea!! BK dapat sainnn...haha...semangat je..to Aimi from Noh yang hensem..sounds poyo jugak..tapi layan..ada ke mula-mula Noh nak sain atas dahi..suke ati dia je..hahaha

usha-usha pic ni..dah macam member dah Noh ni...selamber siot dia..tak rasa macam artis pun..suke ati dia je..yang time duduk tu siap dia nak buka citer..tapi malangnye dia nak kena pulang dah..memang best la Noh.sempoi!
Monday, February 15, 2010
butterfly fly away...
emmm..tiba BK terperasan yang BK ni suke dengan butterfly...
blog BK wallpaper butterfly..2 hari lpas BK beli rantai butterly(hitam and besar gebak plak tu)
pastu BK ad beli rantai butterfly warna pink
and the most favourite and always wearing it is my biggest colourful butterfly brooch:)

ok..mari kita pikir apa lagi butterfly ni bleh dikaitkan..
1) butterfly in the stomach..idioms ni kan..hehe
2)as gaudy as a butterfly..idiom jugak..
3)mak BK penah ckp kalau butterfly masuk rumah maknanye ada org nak datang rumah.btul ke ek?......mitos yang tidak dapat BK pastikan..
apa lagi pasal butterfly ek..haaa last2 letak je la lirik butterfly fly away...:)
You tuck me in,
Turn out the light
Kept me safe and sound at night
Little girls depend on things like that
Brushed my teeth and combed my hair
Had to drive me everywhere
You were always there when I looked back
You had to do it all alone
Make a living, make a home
Must have been as hard as it could be
And when I couldn't sleep at night
Scared things wouldn't turn out right
You would hold my hand and sing to me
Caterpillar in the tree, how you wonder who you'll be
Can't go far but you can always dream
Wish you may and wish you might
Don't you worry hold on tight.
I promise you there will come a day
Butterfly Fly Away
Butterfly Fly Away (butterfly fly away)
Flap your wing now you can't stay
Take those dreams and make them all come true
Butterfly Fly Away (butterfly fly away)
We been waiting for this day
All along and know just what to do
Butterfly Fly Away
(Butterfly Fly Away)
(Butterfly Fly Away)
blog BK wallpaper butterfly..2 hari lpas BK beli rantai butterly(hitam and besar gebak plak tu)
pastu BK ad beli rantai butterfly warna pink
and the most favourite and always wearing it is my biggest colourful butterfly brooch:)
ok..mari kita pikir apa lagi butterfly ni bleh dikaitkan..
1) butterfly in the stomach..idioms ni kan..hehe
2)as gaudy as a butterfly..idiom jugak..
3)mak BK penah ckp kalau butterfly masuk rumah maknanye ada org nak datang rumah.btul ke ek?......mitos yang tidak dapat BK pastikan..
apa lagi pasal butterfly ek..haaa last2 letak je la lirik butterfly fly away...:)
You tuck me in,
Turn out the light
Kept me safe and sound at night
Little girls depend on things like that
Brushed my teeth and combed my hair
Had to drive me everywhere
You were always there when I looked back
You had to do it all alone
Make a living, make a home
Must have been as hard as it could be
And when I couldn't sleep at night
Scared things wouldn't turn out right
You would hold my hand and sing to me
Caterpillar in the tree, how you wonder who you'll be
Can't go far but you can always dream
Wish you may and wish you might
Don't you worry hold on tight.
I promise you there will come a day
Butterfly Fly Away
Butterfly Fly Away (butterfly fly away)
Flap your wing now you can't stay
Take those dreams and make them all come true
Butterfly Fly Away (butterfly fly away)
We been waiting for this day
All along and know just what to do
Butterfly Fly Away
(Butterfly Fly Away)
(Butterfly Fly Away)
Friday, February 12, 2010
randomness..memories in Aussie remains:)
I like this view...pic kat bawah sume ni was taken when i was in Aussie for summer holiday...saje kebosanan..sharing is loving right?

Nampak tak ada macam 3 gunung kecik tu..ni namanye three sisters..naik kat sini guna cable car..tapi takde pulak pic BK naik cable car..sorry ye...

The first ever sand surfing in Newcastle..cool giler...ada oasis siap...BK rasa mmg tak akan lupa pengalaman ni..walaupun penat n parah jugak nak mendaki padang pasir tu..ada pic kat bawah ni masa kitorang mendaki...rasa macam opah sakit lutut pun ada..kalau korang perasan pic BK yang pakai tudung grey,baju hitam n jeans tu..kecik sgt pic tu..x nmpk BK yg dari azali kecik..wawawa

THIS was so ADRENALINE RUSH!!!! Dreamland i guess...

hahaha..rasa mcm berdrama cina plak BK rasa...ni masa BK kat sydney..chinese garden if i'm not mistaken...we have to pay about 10 aus dollar to rent the 'maharaja' custom..kind of unique right:)

Nampak tak ada macam 3 gunung kecik tu..ni namanye three sisters..naik kat sini guna cable car..tapi takde pulak pic BK naik cable car..sorry ye...

The first ever sand surfing in Newcastle..cool giler...ada oasis siap...BK rasa mmg tak akan lupa pengalaman ni..walaupun penat n parah jugak nak mendaki padang pasir tu..ada pic kat bawah ni masa kitorang mendaki...rasa macam opah sakit lutut pun ada..kalau korang perasan pic BK yang pakai tudung grey,baju hitam n jeans tu..kecik sgt pic tu..x nmpk BK yg dari azali kecik..wawawa

THIS was so ADRENALINE RUSH!!!! Dreamland i guess...

hahaha..rasa mcm berdrama cina plak BK rasa...ni masa BK kat sydney..chinese garden if i'm not mistaken...we have to pay about 10 aus dollar to rent the 'maharaja' custom..kind of unique right:)

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010
whatever u give a woman, she will make it greater
~ Whatever u give a woman, she will make it greater. Give her sperm, she will give u a baby. Give her a house, she will give u a home. Give her groceries, she will give u a meal. Give her a smile n she will give u her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what she is given. So if u give her crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit... Post it on your wall if u agree (^__^)
hahaha..ni BK jumpa kat wall fb sapa pun BK taktau..tapi yang pastinye I LOIKE.hahhaha
memang betul pun BK rasa..perempuan ni hati dia lembut. So dia suke memberi..tambah2 lagi bila dia menerima,lagi la dia akan berusaha memberi sehabis mungkin..
bagi yg berpada2 je..not mcm virginity..NO NO NO..BK tak suke itu..
ni mungkin juge pesanan di kala menjelang valentine..semestinye org Islam x bleh sambut valentine apatah lagi menyahut kempen NO PANTY ON VALENTINE..ada ke patut..kempen ni pun BK tau sbb terbaca blog kwn BK..
BK menentang keras to this campaign..SAY NO TO VALENTINE..tak kisah la nak ckp BK ni kolot ke apa ke..yang penting i have my on stand:)
hahaha..ni BK jumpa kat wall fb sapa pun BK taktau..tapi yang pastinye I LOIKE.hahhaha
memang betul pun BK rasa..perempuan ni hati dia lembut. So dia suke memberi..tambah2 lagi bila dia menerima,lagi la dia akan berusaha memberi sehabis mungkin..
bagi yg berpada2 je..not mcm virginity..NO NO NO..BK tak suke itu..
ni mungkin juge pesanan di kala menjelang valentine..semestinye org Islam x bleh sambut valentine apatah lagi menyahut kempen NO PANTY ON VALENTINE..ada ke patut..kempen ni pun BK tau sbb terbaca blog kwn BK..
BK menentang keras to this campaign..SAY NO TO VALENTINE..tak kisah la nak ckp BK ni kolot ke apa ke..yang penting i have my on stand:)
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