hari ni 1st paper BK..which was a clinical paper(patho,microb,dermato,hemato..segala dia nk gabung..amekk!!)
dh la hall tu sejuk nak mampus..nasib bawak jaket yg tebal..
when BK got the paper..i read on the instruction. mak ooi!!! sejam jawab 100 mcq+emq..answer this section 1st because it will be collected first..strictnye..
time jawab tu..BK taktau apa BK jwb..mcm apa yg baca selama ni x membantu langsung sbb time constraint.tak sempat nk digest pun apa yg berkait ngn nota ngn soalan yg pjgn2 tu..apa lagi..sesi menembak bermula la...bayangkan 100 soalan in 1 hour.1 soalan x smpi seminit=0.6saat..baca pun dh nk 5saat nk pikirnye lagi..wawawa..
then dia ckp 10 minutes more n dia nk collect..masa tu bru soalan 55..tidakkk
5 minutes later..dia ckp x akan collect but u have to proceed to section B n C.
section be dia allocate 1 hour utk 10 short answer question and another 1 hour for section C(tu pilih ant. 2..ni soalan clinical)
section B..emm x leh pilih plak tu..answer all plak..dh la x terlintas dlm pikiran..
hentam aje la labu..guna previous knowledge as usual...BK jwb section ni almost 1 and half hour..so kira dh amik masa section C. section C tu pasrah je la..xtau la BK diagnose apa...kesimpulannye..I was screwed up!!
Balik umah stress..pastu phone yg BK order tak smpi2..call punye call..last2 dpt email dia decline application BK..benci!!!
BK trus ajak min(my housemate). Min jom g city..stress...
guess what i got from the city???
dpt phone yg BK order tu..hehe..
ni kira ubat penenang la jugak...lalala~
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