Dear ayah,
Hari ini hari jadi ayah. 19/4. Along tau ayah bukan jenis yang fancy dengan birthday which is different dengan along & mama. Ayah x kisah pun kalau x celebrate birthday tapi I do care bout birthday. Tadi along call ayah & u were driving to your office. Sepatah dua aje. Along wish birthday and ayah jawab thanks. Itu je.. kekoknye...Along tau dari mata kasar memang kita tak nampak mesra, beza sangat and I know I am more close to mama. But that is just the way you are....
Along tau ayah selalu tanya progression along from mama tapi ayah jarang tanya face to face..hehe.. that is just the way you are. You care but you dont know how to show it. I admit it ayah..hehe
I always remember your favourite question bila along call from dublin:
- along sihat? duit cukup? pastu bila dah xde idea ayah mesti cakap " along nak cakap ngan mama?" is just the way you are...
Along jarang cakap I miss u ayah
Tapi masa along tengok citer 'Yatimkah aku', for the very first time I admit that I really realy miss u and care bout you sampai along text mama cakap along rindu ayah. Tapi along x berani text phone ayah..
Thanks ayah for being the best ayah ever...
Thanks for the genetic that u gave to me
Thanks for the talent that i got from you
Thanks for giving our family the house, cars, pocket money, and everything
Thanks for teaching us how to pray, remember Allah and being soleh n solehah
Happy birthday Ayah
Semoga ayah sentiasa dalam rahmat Allah dan keredhaanNya
Along sayang ayah